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ジェプセン:Private Pilot Manual 完売です

17,280円 個数

Jeppesen社:JS314505 - Private Pilot Textbook (includes FAR/AIM Text)
16,000円(税別):[税込み価格 17,280円]


GFD(Guided Flight Discovery ) のPrivate Pilot Manual。多色刷りで基礎からの分かりやすい説明の定番テキストです。FAAのテスト受験対策も視野に入れた編集で、各章ごとの要約チェックリスト、問題などを通して段階的に理解が深まり、着実に学習していけます。

Preface: The purpose of the Private Pilot Manual is to provide you with the most complete explanations of aeronautical concepts in the most effective and easy-to-use manner possible. Through the use of colorful illustrations, full-color photos, and a variety of innovative design techniques, the Private Pilot Manual and other Guided Flight Discovery materials are closely coordinated to make learning fun and easy. To help you organize your study, the Private Pilot Manual is divided into five parts:
Part I -Fundamentals of Flight The information needed to begin your aviation journey is introduced in this part. The first chapter, Discovering Aviation, answers many of your questions about the training process. Chapter two introduces you to the basics of airplane systems. In Chapter three you will gain an understanding of aerodynamic principles.
Part II -Flight Operations Part II contains information you need to know about the environment in which you will fly. You will study subjects such as airport facilities, air traffic control services, commu- nication procedures, and sources of flight information.
Part III -Aviation Weather In Part III, you will be introduced to the variable atmosphere and its effect on aircraft operations. A thorough understanding of the information contained in this Part will help you maximize safety by minimizing your exposure to weather-related aviation hazards.
Part IV -Performance and Navigation Aircraft capabilities and limitations in terms of performance parameters are covered in Part IV. You also will learn the basics of navigation using charts and radio aids.
Part V -Integrating Pilot Knowledge and Skills The application of aeronautical decision-making principles and flight-related physiolog- ical factors is discussed in Chapter 10. A scenario in Chapter 11 provides insight into how previously learned knowledge and skills can be applied during a cross-country flight.
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