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ジェプセン:計器・事業用キット(Jeppesen Instrument/Commercial Kits)
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ジェプセン社のInstrument/Commericialキットです。FAR Part14のために開発された訓練教材セットです。



【注意】ただし、Instrument/Commercial Manualが最新のものではありません。


I/C Textbook [JS314520]

I/C Syllabus [JS344525]

I/C Stage Exam Booklet[JS334373]

I/C Record Folder [JS436101]

SE Instrument Practical Test Standards [JS316022]

SE Commercial Practical Test Standards [JS319017]

Instrument Rating FAA Knowledge Test Guide [JS312401]

Commercial Pilot FAA Knowledge Test Guide [JS312402]

Inst/Comm Pilot FAA Exam Package [JS334370]

IFR 3-Ring Kneeboard [JS626010]

US Chartrain [AMEDU46]

Book/Student Bag-Black [JS621212] Jeppesen

Jeppesen Instrument/Commercial Kits developed for the FAR Part 61 and FAR Part 141 training programs are the most complete instrument/commercial training package available. Instrument/Commercial Part 141 Kit is developed for the FAR Part 141 training program. This kit contains all the essential training products used to prepare students for the written and practical examinations and the FAR Part 141 tracking and quizzing products. Includes: - I/C Textbook [JS314520] - I/C Syllabus [JS344525] - I/C Stage Exam Booklet[JS334373] - I/C Record Folder [JS436101] - SE Instrument Practical Test Standards [JS316022] - SE Commercial Practical Test Standards [JS319017] - Instrument Rating FAA Knowledge Test Guide [JS312401] - Commercial Pilot FAA Knowledge Test Guide [JS312402] - Inst/Comm Pilot FAA Exam Package [JS334370] - IFR 3-Ring Kneeboard [JS626010] - US Chartrain [AMEDU46] - Book/Student Bag-Black [JS621212] Jeppesen
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